Learn How to Protect Your Family From Bird Flu -- Now

Bird Flu Protection

This blog updates the ebook How to Protect Yourself and Your Loved Ones From Bird Flu. Includes news on bird flu and the coming pandemic. Information on how to enhance your immune system and resources to help you.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

latest bird flu case in Indonesia

A six year girl from Bekasi, a eastern suburb of Jakarta, is the latest bird flu case in Indonesia.

Fortunately, she's still alive and hopefully will stay that way. But she makes the 60th avian flu case in Indonesia -- and 46 so far have proven fatal.

The good news in this article is that the Indonesian government is gearing up for an educational campaign to begin September 1. Let's hope they manage to convince many more of their citizens that chicken flu is a real danger.

latest bird flu case in Indonesia


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