Learn How to Protect Your Family From Bird Flu -- Now

Bird Flu Protection

This blog updates the ebook How to Protect Yourself and Your Loved Ones From Bird Flu. Includes news on bird flu and the coming pandemic. Information on how to enhance your immune system and resources to help you.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Alkylglycerols or AKGs

Alkylglycerols or AKGs is as safe as mother's milk.

In fact, it's what makes mother's milk so healthy for newborn
babies. It protects their undeveloped immune systems from
bacterial, fungal and viral infections.

(Remember, that microscopic organisms don't care how cute
babies are -- we're ALL meat to them. And babies provide
a particularly attractive target, because their own immune
systems are not fully functional.)

It takes years for our immune systems to come to full strength -
which is why children generally catch more colds and
infections than adults and spread infectious diseases so well.

But in the face of bird flu and other emerging diseases, we all
need all the protection we can get.

And Alkylglycerols can help us even after we are far too old to
be sucking on our mother's breasts. In fact, adults need 100 times
more AKGs than infants.

Alkylglycerols are lipids -- a family of compounds that help produce
and stimulate white blood cells. AKGs normalize the functioning of

We can obtain Alkylglycerols from only a few sources.

Cow's milk has it, but far less than mother's milk.

Shark liver oil contains 100 times more Alkylglycerols than mother's

For years, we've known that sharks have very strong immune systems,
and scientists thought this was due to their cartilage -- and so many
people took supplements of shark cartilage.

We now know that Alkylglycerols are the real secret.

Shark liver oil contains the highest concentrations of AKGs known
to science.

Seafaring countries have used shark liver oil as a dietary supplement
for untold hundreds or maybe thousands of years. We it's been used
by Scandinavian fishermen since at least the 16th century -- and is mentioned
by the Spanish, Swedish, Norwegian, Chinese and Japanese.

Shark liver oil is also a rich source of vitamins A, D and E. Plus the Omega-3
fatty acids EPA and DHA -- And if you read my book How
to Protect Yourself and Your Family From Bird Flu
, you know how
important Omega-3 is.

Shark live oil also contains squalamine -- which has nothing to do with
protecting your from bird flu, but helps "starve" cancerous tumors.

You can obtain your own here:

shark liver oil

Another rich source of AKGs you should consider is noni juice.

Noni -- or morinda citrofolia -- a fruit that grows in the tropical
islands of the South Pacific. The juice has too many beneficial
ingredients to fully describe here.

And Alkylglycerols are one of them.

It's not as concentrated as shark liver oil, but it's an important
alternative for vegetarians.

noni juice


Shark Liver Oil Nature's Amazing Healer, Neil Solomon, M.D., Ph.D.,
Richard Passwater, Ph.D., Ingemar Joelsson, M.D., Ph.D., Kensington Health, 1997

Hallgren, B. et al. (1978) Occurance, synthesis, and biological effect
of methoxy-substituted glycerol ethers. Progress in Chemistry of Fats and
their Lipids. 16:45.

Boeryd, B. et al. (1978) Stimulation of immune reactivity by methoxy-substituted
glyerol ether incorporated into the feed. Eur. J. Immunol. 8:678-680.

Hallgren, B. and Larsson, S. (1962) The glycerol ethers in man and cow.
J. Lipid Res. 3:31-38.

Chikungunya kills another child

Here's an article illustrating that we have to fear many more emerging
diseases than bird flu.

chikungunya kills young girl in Reunion

Chikungunya is not (yet) a household word in the U.S. It's not as
legendary as Ebola. But as this article shows, it can and is killing

Yes, in a small country in the Indian Ocean -- but West Nile virus
was just as exotic and unlikely to appear in the U.S. -- until it

Chikungunya also spreads by mosquitoes and the truth is that
the U.S. and other developed countries do not have much to fear
from such diseases -- because our windows have screens and
we stay inside much more than we used to.

Personally, I think that for many of today's children the risk
of playing outside a lot more and catching West Nile virus
or malaria or Chikungunya is still a lot healthier choice
than staying inside playing video games and getting fat.

In the end, the fat and lack of activity will kill a lot more of
today's children than diseases spread by insects.

Still, this is one more alert that we have not conquered
infectious diseases. There're many more out there -- just
waiting for the chance to conquer us.

You can learn how to protect yourself from them,
especially bird flu, by checking out my site:

How to Protect Yourself and Your
Family From Bird Flu

One containment of bird flu is not enough

Here's a link to a scientific article that,
between all the high falutin' language
and charts and graphs -- is terrifying in
its implications:

containing bird flu many times

Boiling it down, it makes a case for something
which I hadn't thought of it -- if A/H5N1 can
mutate or recombine into a highly contagious
form (and there's no reason to think it cannot),
then to prevent a pandemic we will have to "contain"
it not once -- but over and over again.

In fact, we cannot ever stop until A/H5N1 is no
longer found in any birds. And the more it
spreads through the world (now including France
and various parts of Nigeria), the less possible
it will be to stop.

Remember that's the World Health Organization's
basic strategy to protect us all from a bird flu
pandemic is a strategy called "containment."

Pioneering D.A. Henderson during the Eradication of
small from the 1960s to the 1970s, it involves
isolating the virus by vaccinating every possible
person around known infected people.

It's sort of like putting out a forest fire by
bulldozing a "firebreak" of bare ground which
the fire cannot cross. So it burns through all
the trees it cannot consume, then dies down.

Once a highly contagious disease such as bird flu
infects every person it can reach, then it must
die down, as all infected persons either die or

WHO plans to accomplish this by isolating areas
around all bird flu victims, treating them with
Tamiflu and vaccinating everybody who's not already

It's already known that this will work only if
the highly contagious form of bird flu is
detected quickly.

That could be tough in areas such as rural Thailand
and rural China, though those regions are now on
the lookous for bird flu.

It would most likely work in Western Europe, but
could still fail in Eastern Europe.

And could be a nightmare in rural Africa, which
has dramatic shortages of medical facilities,
personnell and testing.

But it may still work.

The trouble is, if it does work the first time,
that does not mean it won't happen again. In
fact, as long as A/H5N1 is spreading through
the world, it will almost certainly do so again.

And again.

And again.

Until WHO runs out of Tamiflu or vaccines or
the money and political will to stay alert
for years after the defeat of one outbreak.

It's human nature -- once we think we have
solved a problem, we let down our guard.

Just another way that the virus knows how to
use the laws of probability better than we
know how to counter them.

And all the most reason for learning how to
protect yourself and your family with my
book --

How to Protect Yourself and Your Family From Bird Flu