Learn How to Protect Your Family From Bird Flu -- Now

Bird Flu Protection

This blog updates the ebook How to Protect Yourself and Your Loved Ones From Bird Flu. Includes news on bird flu and the coming pandemic. Information on how to enhance your immune system and resources to help you.

Friday, March 24, 2006

Bird flu in Gaza strip

Well, it has happened -- not unexpectedly. With bird
flu in Isreal, then in a West Bank settlement, now
it's in a Palestinian area of the Gaza strip.

bird flu in Gaza strip

So I wonder what the Muslim cleric who celebrated
bird flu in Isreal is now saying.

According to the article, Isreal is providing help to
the Palestinians and this is good. Partly from a
political standpoint, and partly because all
humanity should stand together against bird flu.

Whatever our political differences, if we can't put
them aside long enough to fight bird flu, the
A/H5N1 virus -- which knows and cares nothing
about politics or religion -- will win.

And that means the sad death of all too many
human beings -- of all political backgrounds and

Good bird flu site

One thing I like to do when I have time is
look for good, informative bird flu web sites.

Unfortunately, I don't have much time for
this, but I did recently find a good one.
It's got a number of useful articles on
surviving the bird flu pandemic.

Check out:

Flu Plan