flu expert interviewed by ABC News -- frightening
Here's a link too important to pass up:
expert on bird flu dangers
Robert Webster is well-known as one of the foremost
experts on influenza. I encountered his name as soon
as I started my research months ago.
If he says that there's a 50-50 chance A/H5N1 will
become human to human contagious -- you can bet that
is science's best informed estimate.
But that's not the most important part of the story.
Notice that close to the bottom of the page, he makes
a reference to people not accepting the possibility that
50% of the world's population could die.
Wait a minute! That's not explained in the story! What
important part of the interview was left out?
Is he really predicting that if A/H5N1 becomes contagious
that half of the world's current population would die
from it?
If so, that's the scariest prediction I've seen yet. Half
the population of the world is well over 3 billion people!
Since current lethality rate of bird flu in people in
about 50%, for bird flu to kill 50% of total population
that means everybody would have to come down with it.
And it implies that the 50% lethality rate would remain
true in the human to human form of the virus -- which
is not necessarily the case.
I think I will try to email him or the reporters and
see what the truth is.
Also, please note -- he's stored 3 months worth of food
and water in his home.
Myself, I do not believe that everybody in the entire
world is going to catch bird flu. Readers of my book
How to Protect Yourself
and Your Family From Bird Flu are learning how to
avoid -- and treat if they can't avoid -- bird flu.