bird flu in a West Bank settlement
This article on bird flu in chickens in
a West Bank Jewish settlement made me
think of another aspect of bird flu
in that area.
bird flu in a West Bank settlement
As I understand it, Isreali itself and the
Palestinian areas are quite close together
and crowded. Plus, a lot of Palestinians work
inside Isreal.
Therefore, bird flu in Isreali chickens,
especially inside the West Bank itself, almost
certainly means bird flu within Palestinian chickens.
The health and agricultural authorities of
both Israel and the governing Palestinian
body seem to be cooperating. That's a good
sign -- perhaps the common threat of
bird flu will help relieve the tension.
But if there's a bird flu pandemic, both sides
will be hit.
I wonder what that Muslim preacher who is so
happy that Isreal has bird flu will say
then? Probably blame the deaths of
Palestinians on Jews, even though they'll be
dying too.