Learn How to Protect Your Family From Bird Flu -- Now

Bird Flu Protection

This blog updates the ebook How to Protect Yourself and Your Loved Ones From Bird Flu. Includes news on bird flu and the coming pandemic. Information on how to enhance your immune system and resources to help you.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

National Strategy for Pandemic Influenza Implementation Plan

You've probably been hearing about it on this news --
the government (The Homeland Security Council)
yesterday released the Strategy for Pandemic Influenza
Implementation Plan.

In its 233 pages is a lot of bureaucratic verbiage --
but also some eye-opening stuff, such as plans to
use isolation and quarantines. And to if necessary
to use the Armed Forces to back up local law

I'm going to offer it as a free bonus to buyers of
my book, How to Protect Yourself
and Your Family From Bird Flu
and all you readers
of this blog can get your own copy right here:

National Strategy for Pandemic Influenza Implementation Plan