bird flu made for TV movie on tonight
The ABC made for TV movie, Fatal Contact, premieres tonight,
and I must admit I'm looking forward to seeing it. It'll be
the first TV show I've watched since TWIN PEAKS, which shows
you how often I watch TV.
I don't even have one -- I'm going to my mother's house to
watch it!
Anyway, there's the predictable handwringing about it, which
you can read about here:
bird flu movie on ABC
But at least one reviewer thinks it's worth watching as a movie:
review of ABC's bird flu movie
I'm not sure why some experts are so concerned that it's alarmist.
I mean, do they expect a movie about an outbreak of mild flu
that's quickly contained. Yeah, boring -- right?
If it's worth a movie, it's going to be played to the hilt, and
people should recognize this.
Of course, there're always some kooks.
My guess is that yes it will scare some people who need to be
scared by bird flu. The kind of people who are more scared by a fictional
movie that by reality -- probably because they pay little
attention to the news or just don't understand it because it
isn't dramatized like a TV movie.
However, many people will be scared for a few days or weeks
but unless the contagious pandemic happens right away, they'll
forget about it because they're so busy watching the next
made for TV movie.
However, hopefully some people will be scared enough to make
rational preparations for the pandemic.
The people who have their heads in the sand on bird flu and
refuse to admit that a horrible pandemic is possible,
just on the grounds that it would be horrible and we've
already solve all the horrible problems . . . those people
won't do anything anyway.